Incentivized surveys or online surveys as they are most commonly known have been a great way to boost ones income. These are usually done by websites that are given the task by companies to ask people of their opinions. Usually on a certain product or service that has or has yet to come out. Online surveys are VERY easy to do and are generally done in one’s free time.
Online surveys are usually done by stay-at-home mums, students, the elderly and those willing to give their opinions. You get paid a small amount by some surveys, typically $0.50 - $2 at the most. But there are those companies that are willing to pay you more for the work that you put in - usually $2 - $4 more for the same amount of time.
The money that you receive is not what you would normally get through a nine to five work day but it’s certainly uplifting to know that your opinion is much sought after. Imagine that, people are willing to pay you for your opinion!
MySurvey is a worldwide group of consumers from all over who influence future products and services by volunteering to participate in consumer research.
I've used the Australian version of this online survey website and I can vouch for its efficacy. So far I've netted (not grossed) over $95 in over 3 months. Now I know that’s not a lot, but it has its perks. The points that you get can be converted to either;
- PayPal cash;
- Facebook Credits;
- Amazon e-certificates;
- And much more!
What is interesting about this website is that they ask for your personal details once you’ve finished signing up. The thing is that they are surveys as well. Now, before you get hesitant you can rest assured that it is completely normal for them to ask you this – unlike others. Plus you get points immediately for giving your personal details.
Your home address, phone number, medical history, annual salary, etc. are required for them to direct you to more personalized surveys that match your lifestyle. So pretty much, the more you tell them about yourself the more likely you are to get surveys. Especially the bigger ones that ranges from $3 - $6.
All in all - try it out for yourself - it’s a good way to earn money on the side without it getting too hectic.
- MySurvey Ireland
- MySurvey USA
- MySurvey UK
- MySurvey Asia – Also has links to European countries at the bottom
About Earl A.
Earl A. is founder and editor of Just a Thought and Epic Theatrical Music. Learn more about him here.
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