Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Update: Superpoints.com - Halfway There

I am halfway to cashing out for $5 on SuperPoints.  It doesn't even seem worth it, but I just want the money for peace of mind.  I am still having nothing but bad luck earning points with surveys.  I am just relying on LuckyMail and the Super Lucky Button to earn points now.  I am still looking for more sites to try and I will need some time to sit down and look into them.  Once I find something worthy of writing about I will post up an article.  I am still having great luck with Bing Rewards and I have earned around 800 points between Ashley and I.  I haven't spent them yet, but I am thinking about a Gamertag change.


  1. Oh don't go with a Gamertag change, that seems so vain and wasteful unless you have a really bad gamertag.

    I love the Bing Rewards program, it funds all my car packs for Forza 4 haha.

  2. Nice dude. Keep up the great blog. I'm crossing Google Adsense off my list of ways to make money. After earning about 80 dollars they decided to close my account :( Oh well

  3. @Gryt - I suppose you are right, my Gamertag is Babayface22, it is in reference to the fact that when clean shaven I look like a baby boy. I might have to use it for some DLC instead.

    @DoceanMotion - I'm sorry to hear that you got banned from Adsense, any idea why they closed it? You may want to look into other ways to monetize your blog.
